Just a short note about this blog.

For timeline purposes, posts from 2008-2014 are summaries of significant happenings in those years. Please use the Blog Archive links to start at the beginning.

Past tense/Present tense language may change within a post, but those variances should not impact the overall telling of my experiences. I am Canadian, therefore, the spelling of some words (tumor/tumour, color/colour) may vary depending on if it's my wording or quoted text. I have tried to include both key words in the labels of relevant posts.

The blog contains medical terminology. I have tried to provide explanations or definitions when they occur. Occasionally medical images (nothing too graphic) are included to further explain or demonstrate.

Explanations and graphics link to original sources wherever possible with the exception of my personal photos.

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February 15, 2017

Parenting done Right!

This post has absolutely nothing to do with IIH... feel free to skip it, though I hope you won't! In fact, I hope this story is shared, I would love for word of it to get back to the other family involved.

It's a short story of something that happened while my family was out for dinner on Valentine's Day, and it made Rachel's day in her words the best day ever! 

We went out for dinner, just something simple, Wimpy's Diner in Brantford and given Valentine's Day this year was a Tuesday, that meant it was also lesson night for Rachel, so after dinner we were headed to the barn, so she wasn't dressed up in anything special.  Red plaid shirt and red stretch pants comfortable and practical for riding in, red in consideration of the occasion.

After dinner, as we were getting ready to settle up and head out, another family headed past our table and a little boy spotted Rachel.  He was close to her in age, I would guess no more than 8. As he spotted her, his eyes lit up and he smiled, and next thing we knew, he was walking past her and spoke to Rachel, nothing much, just said simply "hi Pretty" to her as he went by.  She wasn't sure how to react, and got all quiet, but recovered her manners to thank the little boy when he approached our table and presented her with a yellow sucker before smiling again and leaving.

I heard his parents telling him how nice that was of him as they left the restaurant, and while we didn't have time to react other than to say thank you to the little boy, I'm making a point here of saying yes, it was an amazing thing to see and hear and I hope this little guy continues have this amazing attitude toward others!

They may never hear it, or be aware of it, but I want to thank those parents for teaching their son to be respectful of little girls and to treat them politely. He made my daughter's day with his kind words and actions.

There are so many stories out there of children treating one another in such negative ways, I wanted to make sure that I put this one out there to say that occasionally the good ones happen, perhaps they just don't get told!

Speaking of Rachel riding tonight, here's a quick clip from her cantering session tonight!

February 13, 2017

Valentines and Horses

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hard to believe it's February already, seems like I was posting Merry Christmas not too long ago...

Truthfully, that was the last time I posted, I know, I've been really slacking about posting!

It's extremely difficult to post on a regular basis when you're in a holding pattern. Nothing new has really been happening with my head lately, and I hate to keep saying the same things over and over. It gets boring fast! My doctors keep telling me the same thing, to the point they are pushing my follow up visits from 3 months to 6, which is good but they are issuing the warning to contact them if there are any sudden changes.

Dr Giammarco, the neurologist, is following the same pattern and keeping my visit with her on the same schedule. I've gotten a referral to a new Endocrinologist (for the thyroid stuff). I see her in July, so for now, it's a matter of keep doing what I've been doing, keep taking the mountain of medication every day, reduce the OTC meds as much as possible (aim for no more than 15 doses/month apparently, still working on this one).

I promised Horses!

Horse Therapy - (not a Southern Cross Horse)
I have to admit, many times, I've been at the barn for Rachel's regular lesson, with a pounding, throbbing head. At 7 years old, Rachel is tiny, and she needs help getting ready for her lesson and while the facility she rides at is amazing, (Southern Cross Equestrian Facility), the helpers, or "minions" as they are fondly referred to by the barn family just don't always have enough hands, plus, I like to get in there and spend a little time with a brush or curry comb. Just something about the change in vocal tone while talking to a pony and the motion of brushing them, you find yourself relaxing.

Of course, once the pony it's tacked up and ready to go, Rachel takes over! She's just starting to learn to canter.  We had a lesson recently where she was supposed to ask for a trot and managed to get a canter accidently from the pony, surprising both herself and her coach. Fortunately, everyone kept their head and it all worked out fine. The next lesson her coach suggested they learn the canter under the controlled environment :)

As you can see in the video, it's a learning process and only a step or two are actually at a canter before dropping back down into a trot or walk.

Rachel's Potential Summer

Rachel is really loving the horse stuff, or to put it properly, the Equestrian Life! She's actually looking at getting involved with the show team this year! The Grasshopper Series is for Beginner Show riders and Rachel would be looking at starting out with Leadline, meaning she would be on a pony and would have a helper in the arena with her, though she would still be responsible for guiding the pony herself.

On that note, I spent 4 years at Conestoga College in the IT programs and haven't had much opportunity to put it to use thanks to this medical condition, but I've been using this blog and some casual consulting to keep some of my skills updated. Let me know if you need a bit of HTML/Web help and we'll work something out!

Oh, one last thing! A good friend of mine has gotten her website up and running recently. She is a direct seller for Avon and will also have Regal products available once they are up and running again.

Link To Biz By Barb's Website - Opens in a new tab