So this post isn't IIH related, I occasionally take time to just enjoy the holidays and current seasons and try to ignore everything that's going on in my head! Today is one of those days!
Happy Halloween!!! Ok, it's a day late, but I wanted keep the post together :) Our Pumpkins this year
Rachel wanted a horse pumpkin given her horse craze, I completely understand! Daddy did a great job considering his first time in years making a more intricate carving! Rachel had a great Halloween. She couldn't get her first choice of costume, Owlette from PJ Mask, but personally, I think her alternative was a much better choice! She choose the robe for the hoop in the dress, she just loves dresses that "twirl and spin" when she dances around, but it did add an eerie effect when she walked around! I edited my first picture here to dim out the hallway where the picture was taken... I think the effect is quite spooky over all!
Slightly edited (background dimmed) picture of Rachel's Halloween costume.
This shot of her costume is unedited, taken in the elevator of our building ....
Costume in natural lighting. The mask was a last minute touch that just set off the look perfectly!
I put together a quick CSI outfit for myself, not your typical Crime Scene Investigator though! I was a Candy Sweetness Inspector! Someone has to check out that candy!
Now that Halloween is over, Christmas and December is not far off.. but before those celebrations kick in I think it's important to give Remembrance Day it's proper respect! Stores have Christmas decorations on the shelves even before Halloween stuff has been removed, and not a moment is taken to pay tribute to those who have served.
For those who are not familar with
Remembrance Day
Canadians recognize Remembrance Day, originally called Armistice Day, every 11 November at 11 a.m. It marks the end of hostilities during the First World War and an opportunity to recall all those who have served in the nation’s defence.
I have done a little research into my grandmother's arrival in Canada as a warbride, but the information is not easy to find. I believe the ship that she arrived on was the Letitia, docking in Halifax at Pier 21 in 1946. My grandparents settled in Sault Ste Marie Ontario, where they lived out their lives. My grandfather passed away in 1980 and my grandmother in 1982.
My Grandparents Gerald and Linda Dewar Married in England 1945
Remember Me - Poem from Canadian Legion Magazine 1980 I am not the author, and I do not have the author's name. Any information regarding the author of this piece, please let me know so I can give appropriate credits!