Just a short note about this blog.

For timeline purposes, posts from 2008-2014 are summaries of significant happenings in those years. Please use the Blog Archive links to start at the beginning.

Past tense/Present tense language may change within a post, but those variances should not impact the overall telling of my experiences. I am Canadian, therefore, the spelling of some words (tumor/tumour, color/colour) may vary depending on if it's my wording or quoted text. I have tried to include both key words in the labels of relevant posts.

The blog contains medical terminology. I have tried to provide explanations or definitions when they occur. Occasionally medical images (nothing too graphic) are included to further explain or demonstrate.

Explanations and graphics link to original sources wherever possible with the exception of my personal photos.

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September 15, 2015

Raising Awareness

I have recently been doing some research regarding IIH, primarily looking for information based in Canada as there are a number of Canadian patients on the various boards I've visited on Facebook and I frequently see the comments made that finding information that is Canadian based is non-existent. I know from personal experience, the awareness of this condition is minimal even in the medical community especially when distanced from the  neurosciences department in Hamilton.

Most information regarding IIH comes from the Intracranial Hypertension Research Foundation, based in the US and community pages on Facebook where I have noticed references made to support organizations in the US, Great Britain and Australia but no local resources for Canadians.

Google searching Intracranial Hypertension Canada comes up with the following results, primarily a medical journal (which is beyond the comprehension of most patients) and a couple of chiropractic articles referencing the condition.

I had found some information on the braintumour.ca website but currently that information has been moved and links are no longer working.  I have been in communication with them to get that fixed as our resources are minimal to begin with. Rhian's story shares her fundraising efforts for brain tumour awareness in Canada.