Just a short note about this blog.

For timeline purposes, posts from 2008-2014 are summaries of significant happenings in those years. Please use the Blog Archive links to start at the beginning.

Past tense/Present tense language may change within a post, but those variances should not impact the overall telling of my experiences. I am Canadian, therefore, the spelling of some words (tumor/tumour, color/colour) may vary depending on if it's my wording or quoted text. I have tried to include both key words in the labels of relevant posts.

The blog contains medical terminology. I have tried to provide explanations or definitions when they occur. Occasionally medical images (nothing too graphic) are included to further explain or demonstrate.

Explanations and graphics link to original sources wherever possible with the exception of my personal photos.

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July 11, 2017

Summer Update

Not much change happening on the IIH front. Headaches are still ongoing. I saw my neurologist recently and she is pushing to get me off the OTC meds. I completely understand this, Tylenol and Ibuprofen are hard on the body, and daily use lead to rebound headaches, which could be contributing to the daily headache issue.

Dr Giammarco wants to go the Botox route to treat the headache cycle, alternatively, there is the medical marijuana for chronic pain option available in Canada.  Currently, I'm looking into options, doing some research and weighing the side effects.

Horse shows!

Rachel has competed twice already! Her first show was in June. All shows are held at the Hamilton Hunt Club in Caledonia

Getting ready for the show


2nd place ribbon! 

2nd, 4th and 5th. Pretty good for a first show!

The second show was July 2nd. Canada Day Theme

Schooling the day before the show!
Testing out the quarter sheet we made for Patch.. aka Toes in the Sand!

Toes in the Sand!

Patch wasn't happy with the sheet so left it off for the show. 

4th, 4th, 7th, 8th place ribbons for the Canada Day themed show!