Just a short note about this blog.

For timeline purposes, posts from 2008-2014 are summaries of significant happenings in those years. Please use the Blog Archive links to start at the beginning.

Past tense/Present tense language may change within a post, but those variances should not impact the overall telling of my experiences. I am Canadian, therefore, the spelling of some words (tumor/tumour, color/colour) may vary depending on if it's my wording or quoted text. I have tried to include both key words in the labels of relevant posts.

The blog contains medical terminology. I have tried to provide explanations or definitions when they occur. Occasionally medical images (nothing too graphic) are included to further explain or demonstrate.

Explanations and graphics link to original sources wherever possible with the exception of my personal photos.

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October 15, 2016

October 2016 Update

I've been neglecting updating lately, things haven't changed much, so there hasn't been too much to say lately. I'm still in a holding pattern. My headaches are still occuring daily with not much change, my vision is stable and no new issues have come up. I had my annual MRI done yesterday and will be seeing my doctors soon for my regular round of visits.  I have added a nuerologist to list of doctors, and she has started me on a new medication in the hopes of reducing the headaches.

Torpiramate: Topiramate is classed as an antiepileptic medicine. It is usually used to prevent seizures in people with epilepsy and there is another leaflet called Topiramate for epilepsy which gives more information about this. However, topiramate has also been found to prevent migraine attacks from occurring. When used for migraine, it may not completely stop every migraine attack, but the number and severity of attacks are often reduced.  Patient Info on Torpiramate 

I am really dealing with the side effects of this medication! Tingles, pins and needles, my hands and feet constantly feel like they have fallen asleep, though it has improved compared to when I first started on the medication.  Initially, my extremities had a constant vibrating sensation. I can't think of any other way to describe it, now I only get the sensation when I move certain ways or if I'm extremely tired or cold which is certainly an improvement.

I just got a reminder on my Facebook feed.. 2 years ago today, I was recovering from my most recent surgery.  I had just had my second shunt placed, so I have come a long way in that regards. 

October 2014 - Shunt placement incision

I haven't been making as many cakes lately, I just haven't had the energy of course, I have been dealing with the seasonal back to school cold and sinus stuff which seems worse than normal this year, and I find they just don't get eaten when I do make them, though I will be doing some baking this coming week, Rachel turns 7 next week, and our niece will be a year old! Will post them up when done :) 

Speaking of Rachel, her riding lessons have continued and she is making huge improvements! She is off the lunge line and riding around the arena at a trot with ease, sometimes with a little more courage than we are entirely comfortable seeing!

Rachel trotting during her lesson 

I have started going back in for regular massage appointments! Just a little shout out here to Massage Addict in Brantford! I go in once a month for a massage to help ease the tension in my neck and back created from the vision and neck and does it help!! I've been sharing my story with my therapist and word of my blog is getting out there.

Just a reminder for anyone who is checking this blog out for the first time to be sure to go back to the beginning and read from the first post.

Hobby wise, I've gotten back into playing the Sims to kill time. Currently, I've been checking out The Sims 4.  It gets mixed reviews, but I don't have too many complaints so far.  If anyone is interested, I've been blogging my game (one reason I haven't had as much activity here I guess) My Sims 4 Blog and have been creating some walkthroughs and keeping my web skills up a little.